LCN : 14
Channel :192
We have curated special packs for you that offer more channels for lesser price. Check from our list of recommended packages to find the one that suits your needs
17 Package
These are company curated packages that have a mix of channels assorted as per consumers needs.
Note : Prices are Including taxes
54 Bouquet
These are bouquets of channels created by broadcasters
Note : Prices are excluding taxes
444 Channels
This allows you to select individual channels
Note : Prices are excluding taxes
Use our self care portal to select your own packages on the click of a button and pay for it online. Uninterupted service with the subscription mode, that ensures seamless tv and broadband subscriptions. Keep a track of your invoices through our e invoice system. Now provide feedback and register complaints through our e complaint portal, we resolve complaints within 48 hours of generating a ticket.
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